Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Joanna Olive Connell 1866 - 1924

My eighth post in a series on the descendants of Johanna Cussen and George Connell of Lodi, Wisconsin.

Joanna was born in Lodi in 1866. She, too, headed to Chicago.  In about 1897, she married Edward H Kerrigan, son of Irish immigrants.  Their only child, Edward N, was born in 1901 in Chicago.  I'm not sure how specialized Edward's (dad's) work skills were.  In 1910, he is a "foreman in a plumbing supply house"; in 1920 a brass worker in a manufacturing plant. Joanna was a dress maker working out of the house in 1920, and they had bought a home on Gladys avenue, not far from where United Center is now. Joanna passed away in 1924 and is buried at Mt. Carmel Cemetery. Their son married Helen (don't know her last name) in about 1926. Edward H (aka Dad) passed away 1928 and is also buried at Mt. Carmel.

In 1930 Edward and Helen lived in Detroit, where he was an "ice machine" salesman, which is probably those new iceboxes. By 1940 he is selling refrigerators and they have bought a house. They had no children.  They probably retired many years later to Florida.  Helen died in 1987 and Edward in 1988.  They are buried in Largo, Florida.

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