The children are: (1) Junior Klang (Archias), (2) Martha Jane Kenagy, (3) Martha Jane Jones, (4) Mary Margaret Cater, (5) Ruth Elaine Scruton, (6) Mary Lou Reid (McEmiry), (7) Betty Reid, (8) Genevieve Stanley, (9) Janet Stanley, (10) John Joe McGrath, (11 & 12) Charlotte & Mary Smith, (13) Mary McGrath and (seated on right end) Marie Donnelly.

The children labeled in this second photo are: (1) Marie Donnelly, (2) Mary McGrath, (3) Martha Jane Kenagy, (4) Ruth Elaine Scruton, (5) Jimmie Keck, (6) Betty Trader, and (three standing, left to right) Eleanor Wormshoe, Mary Schrankler, and dorothy Bockelman.
In the 1930 census of Sedalia, I find Helen and Louise Donnelly (Marie's aunts), Arthur Klang, jr (parents Arthur and Elise Archias Klang), Martha Jones (parents Gilbert & Aphea), Mary M Cater (parents Fred & Alma), Elaine Scruton (13 yr old daughter ? of Ruth and Kelly), Mary Lou & Betty Reid (daughters of Joseph & Elizabeth), Genevieve & Janet Stanley (daughters of WP & Genevieve), John J & Mary McGrath (children of John & Katherine), Charlotte & Mary Smith (daughters of EA & Jeanne), James Keck (son of Oscar & Lydia), Betty Mae Trader (1940 census: daughter of Emmet & Dellamae) and Dorothy Bockelman (11 year old daughter of Norman & Tropha).
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