Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Harriet Webber at St. Mary's College

Family history records note that Harriet Webber attended "St. Mary's College, Indiana".  I sent an inquiry to St. Mary's College in South Bend, Indiana, a sister school to the University of Notre Dame, from where Harriet's husband, John Cushing, graduated.  They found the above ledger for the school year 1904-05.  John graduated in 1906 and they married in September of that year.  The ledger reads:

Miss Harriet Webber, Cambridge, Nebraska p465

1904 Sept 28
To Entrance Fee 10.00     Board & Tuition 175.00     Piano 35.00                              220.00
" Harmony 10.00    Vocal 30.00     Dancing 5.00     Lectures & Concerts 5.00                50.00
" Library & Literary 2.00      P.M. afc 4.05     Rhetoric 1.20     Literature 1.25                 8.50
" Tablets .25     Ink .10     Veils 2.35   :   Extra Practice 20.00 :                                   22.70
" Art Embroidery 10.00    Arlo Bates 1.50     P.M. afc (a/c?) 93.80                              105.30
By Rhetoric 1.20     By Literature 1.25      By Cash 4.05      By Dft. (Oct. 5) 400.00                 406.50
By Dancing 5.00     By Absence 114.80     By Dft (April 6 -'05) 150.00                                   269.80

1905 Feb. 1
To Board & Tuition 175.00     Piano 35.00     Vocal 30.00     Ex. Pradisi 30.00           260.00
" Harmony 10.00    Library & Literary 2.00     Lectures & Concerts 5.00                       17.00
" Art Embroidery 10.00     T. Paper .25     Ink .10 :                                                   10.35
By P.M. ofc 17.55                                                                                                17.55

                                                                                                                                693.85   693.85

I'm looking for a history book to describe the school at this time.  I suspect that Harriet was not enrolled in a degree program.  Both she and John graduated from Cambridge High School in 1900.  I wonder where she was before and after the 1904-05 school year in South Bend?

Notes about ledger: Arlo Bates was a well known author and taught at MIT.  The credit for absence may mean that she withdrew before completing the year.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Photos of 1928 Party at Liberty Park, Sedalia, Kansas

Among the old photos I found recently were these from a party at Liberty Park in Sedalia, Missouri, for 4-year old Marie Donnelly.  The photos were labeled as shown.

The children are: (1) Junior Klang (Archias), (2) Martha Jane Kenagy, (3) Martha Jane Jones, (4) Mary Margaret Cater, (5) Ruth Elaine Scruton, (6) Mary Lou Reid (McEmiry), (7) Betty Reid, (8) Genevieve Stanley, (9) Janet Stanley, (10) John Joe McGrath, (11 & 12) Charlotte & Mary Smith, (13) Mary McGrath and (seated on right end) Marie Donnelly.

The children labeled in this second photo are: (1) Marie Donnelly, (2) Mary McGrath, (3) Martha Jane Kenagy, (4) Ruth Elaine Scruton, (5) Jimmie Keck, (6) Betty Trader, and (three standing, left to right) Eleanor Wormshoe, Mary Schrankler, and dorothy Bockelman.

In the 1930 census of Sedalia, I find Helen and Louise Donnelly (Marie's aunts), Arthur Klang, jr (parents Arthur and Elise Archias Klang), Martha Jones (parents Gilbert & Aphea), Mary M Cater (parents Fred & Alma), Elaine Scruton (13 yr old daughter ? of Ruth and Kelly), Mary Lou & Betty Reid (daughters of Joseph & Elizabeth), Genevieve & Janet Stanley (daughters of WP & Genevieve), John J & Mary McGrath (children of John & Katherine), Charlotte & Mary Smith (daughters of EA & Jeanne), James Keck (son of Oscar & Lydia), Betty Mae Trader (1940 census: daughter of Emmet & Dellamae) and Dorothy Bockelman (11 year old daughter of  Norman & Tropha).

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Some Old St. Louis Photographs: Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Dooley

I came across some very old photographs recently.  Fortunately, two of them identified the subjects, relatives though not direct ancestors.  I'm trying to figure who these folks are.  All of the photos were taken in St. Louis, home of our Hogan ancestors and Dooley relatives.  Here's what I know so far.

 These first two are identified.  They are of Mr. and Mrs. William Dooley.  William Dooley was a successful grocer in St. Louis.  He immigrated in about 1850, and in 1863 married 25 year old Elizabeth Martin, also an Irish immigrant.  William Dooley was the brother of Catherine Dooley LaBrune, my great great grandmother.  Elizabeth Martin Dooley was the sister of Anastasia Martin Hogan, another great great grand-mother.  So they are not direct ancestors, but close relatives.

When were these photos taken?  Elizabeth died in 1881, so hers was taken earlier than that. Since they are no longer here to be offended by my guesses at their ages, my guess from the photos is that she was about 40 years old, and he 45.  From their dates of birth in 1838 and 1827, respectively, the photographs might have been taken in about 1878 and 1872.  Since the two photos are sequentially numbered, they were probably taken at the same time.

For more information, I googled  Scholten Photography in St. Louis and found two lists of historic photographers with helpful information. Early St. Louis Photographers lists photographers in St. Louis and their known dates of operation at given addresses. Their information places these photos between about 1863 and 1875. Langdon's List of 19th & Early 20th Century Photographers was not precise for these two photos.

Putting all of this information together, I'm guessing these photos were taken in about 1872, when Elizabeth and William were 34 and 45 years old, respectively.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Buchanans in Fort Covington

A previous post was about one of the Margaret Donnellys in our tree, a daughter of James and Mary A. Donnelly, originally in Waddington, New York, but then longtime residents of Burlington, Vermont.  Margaret's mother was Mary Buchanan, born in Fort Covington, Franklin co., New York.  I believe I found her family in the 1850 census in Fort Covington.  Her parents, John and Margaret, were both born in Ireland in about 1795.  From census and cemetery records, I've put a very sketchy story together until I can find more information.  Buchanan is a Scottish name, and almost all Buchanan's lived in northern Ireland, according to Matheson's surname study.  I believe I found John Buchanan buried in the Protestant Community Cemetery in Fort Covington, so the family was likely Episcopalian or Presbyterian.  It appears there were two sons born in the early '20s, and there may have been others that had moved out before I found the family in census records.  These children would have been born in Ireland or Canada. A daughter, Margaret, was born in New Brunswick in 1826, which may have been while the family was en route from Ireland to the United States.  The next child I know of, James, was born in New York in 1830.  Another son was born in the early 1830s, followed my Mary Buchanan (eventually Donnelly) in 1834.  Since Mary and James' daughters did not marry, and had no children, we are not directly related to anyone in this branch of the family.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Preview: Patchen-Cushings descended from William Bradford?

I'm still trying to get a handle on this.  I've found genealogies that link the Cushings back through William Bradford, Mayflower passenger and first Governor of Plymouth Colony.  If the data is accurate, this would make Bradford my 8th great grandfather (11 generations back).  Because of existing research on Bradford's descendants, this would make us distant cousins to the likes of Julia Child, William Renquist, George Eastman, Clint Eastwood, Harold Edgerton, Benjamin Spock, George Bush, Hugh Hefner, and others.  It may be awhile before I can be reasonably sure of the link.

Marriage of Mary Cushing and Paul Enright

April 1941, prob Oakland Tribune

Tea to Fete Bride-Elect

   Honoring Miss Mary Elizabeth Cushing, whose wedding to Mr. Paul Manning Enright will take place Saturday morning in Corpus Cristi Church, Mrs. Paul J. Cushing, sister-in-law of the bride-elect, will preside at a tea tomorrow afternoon at her home on Masonic Avenue, Piedmont.  The hostess has sent out about 125 cards for the affair and will be assisted in welcoming her guests by Mrs. John F. Cushing, Mrs. J.L. Enright, Mrs. Clarence Pickard and Mrs. George Clark.
   Monday afternoon Miss Betty Weis entertained at luncheon for Miss Cushing, the affair taking place at the Palace Hotel in honor of the bride-elect.  Miss Mary Quinn was hostess last evening at a dinner given at the Clift Hotel and this evening Miss Joan Kiernan will preside at a dinner to be held in her home in San Francisco.
   The wedding of Miss Cushing and Mr. Enright will be one of the beautifully-appointed cememonies of early Spring and it will be at a 10 o'clock nuptial mass that the couple will exchange vows.  A high noon wedding breakfast at Sequoyah Country Club will follow the service at the church.
   Miss Cushing is a daughter of Mrs. John F. Cushing and graduated from the Dominican College at San Rafael.  Her brothers are Mr. Jerome Cushing of Chicago, Mr. Gregory Cushing of Long Beach, Mr. Vincent Cushing and Mr. Paul Cushing.
   Mr. Enright is a son of Mrs. J.L. Enright and comes from Texas.  He is a Notre Dame graduate and a civil engineer.


April 20, 1941, prob Oakland Tribune

Nuptial Mass

Corpus Christi Scene of Brilliant Wedding Ceremony

   A lovely bride of the Spring was Miss Mary Elizabeth Cushing, whose marriage to Mr. Paul Manning Enright took place at a nuptial mass yesterday morning in Corpus Christi Church on Park Boulevard. Relatives and close friends of the couple were present at the marriage service, which was read by Rev. Father Keller, pastor of the church. The beautiful altar was banked with white flowers arranged in baskets, and on either side of the altar there were potted palms and other grenery. Tall white candles set in candelabra were also used on the altar.
   Shortly before 10 o'clock, the appointed hour for the ceremony, the wedding ...[can't read this line] ... led by the matron of honor, Mrs. Clarence Pickard, who was followed by the bridesmaids, Miss Joan Kiernan, Miss Mary Quinn, Miss Betty Weis, Miss Eleanor Eagan and Miss Katherine Tracy.
   Little Barbara Ann Cushing, flower girl, and Master Robert Cushing, ringbearer, daughter and son of the Paul J. Cushings, were also members of the party and preceded the bride to the altar.


   The bride looked beautiful In a gown of white tulle, and the upper part was fashioned of rare old lace. The skirt was made bouffant. Her veil of tulle was caught on the coiffure with a coronet, and she carried a shower bouquet of white orchids, bouvardia and gardenias tied with satin ribbons and tulle.
   Mrs. Pickard, the matron of honor, was attired in green marquisette and wore a cluster of yellow roses on her hair. She carried a bouquet of lavender lilacs and tulips.
   The gowns of the bridesmaids were similar to that worn by the .matron of honor but on their hair they wore green tiaras with short face veils of green. Their bouquets were of yellow and lavender tulips.


   Mr. Paul J. Cushing, brother of the bride, was best man for Mr. Enright, and acting as ushers were Mr. Jerome Cushing of Chicago, Mr. Gregory Cushing of Long Beach, Mr. Vincent Cushing, three other brothers of the bride, and Mr. Jack O'Mara and Mr. Doan Metz.
   The ceremony at the church was followed by a wedding breakfast at high noon at the Sequoyah Country Club and over a hundred guests were present.
   The bride is a daughter of Mrs. John F. Cushing of Masonic Avenue, Piedmont, and a graduate of the Dominican Convent at San Rafael.  Mr. Enright graduated from Notre Dame and is a son of Mrs. J. L. Enright.